What If You Could Work Consistently With Clients And Close Sales Month After Month By Joining A Real Estate Team?

Without having to buy leads, cold call, do open houses, beg for referrals or send a postcard. Even if you are brand new with no sales experience.

A special message from the desk of Carlos German

Did you know that 80% of newly licensed real estate agents in Florida are out of the business within the first year?

My name is Carlos German and I have an opportunity for you.

I’ve been in real estate 16 years, was nationally recognized as a “30 Under 30” and FORBES called me “The Ninja of Real Estate”.

Over the years I’ve seen thousands of agents come and go, and I was almost one of those my first year and barely made it through.

I realized something. The number one reason an agent fails in the first year is not the lack of hunger or effort.

It’s the brokerage you chose.

You see, every real estate brokerage is a “recruiting model”.

They are focused on massively recruiting agents and hopefully each new agent will get lucky and sell a home or two to their friends and family before they get out of the business. 

These brokerages offer commission splits typically at 70/30 or even 100% with little value, and make promises of having all the training you will ever need to be successful.

That is NOT what you need. 
What you need is someone to help you get clients.  As you probably noticed by now, there wasn’t anything about lead generation or getting clients in the licensing course.

I’ve got good news for you.

There’s a better way!

I’m willing to show you exactly how to be highly successful in this business with my proven system to generate clients.

You’ll start making money faster than you ever could in another model. In fact, I am even willing to invest my own money into the technology and lead generation for you.

I know what you’re thinking.

“Carlos, why would you be willing to invest in my growth and my business and take such a risk?”

You are right.  This is a special situation.  I am only looking for two agents to join my highly successful team, last year I only accepted four agents into the team ALL YEAR.

This opportunity isn’t for everyone.  I’m only looking to work with a couple of agents that are serious about success in this industry. Agents who have what it takes to be real superstars in real estate.

How would it feel to be plugged into a proven system that has worked like a well oiled machine for over 10 years and has helped agents provide an amazing lifestyle to their family, build wealth, and become a household name in the market?

If you are interested. Here’s what I need you to do next.

If it makes sense click the “apply now” button and complete the entire process.

Looking forward to having a conversation with you to see if we are a right fit for each other

Let’s crush it!

Founder and CEO
Carlos German And Team

Endless Screenshots Of Agent Success...

Are you ready to crush it?